The Cost of A Snatched Waist

Have you ever sucked in your tummy or worn suck-it-pants to make your waist look smaller? Yep, me too… all of the time, until I became a pre and post natal fitness professional. 

Has it ever crossed your mind what effect years of constant sucking in your tummy has on your body, especially your pelvic floor? In this episode I talk to Nicole Young, women's health physiotherapist and owner of Forever Young Physiotherapy. We chat about the pressure women are under to have a smaller tummy and how your pelvic health is affected by gripping on with your abdominal muscles, sucking in your tummy or wearing suck-it-pants in an attempt to make your waist look tiny.

If you’d like to get in touch with Nicole you can contact her through her website or learn more about pelvic health through her awesome content on social media @fyphysio.